Monday, March 2, 2009


One day on Tuesday we were writing our recount about the weekend,
then a man with a big camera came into our class room and asked if he could video us so we could be on channel one. As they were filming they picked Leoden to be the teacher and to interview us
on the computer's. When Leoden was introducing us he was a very confident speaker and was amazing at interviewing. As he came to introduce me I was On my Blog Writing about the American police and our class was so quiet that there was no sound and it was only me and Leoden speaking.

As they were videoing me writing on my blog, they were asking me question's about how I type all the word's and type all of the story about my recount. We watched ourselves on Channel One on Friday last week. It was so cool and I was embarrassed when my family saw me on T.V.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jacob
I am very glad you wrote that recount because I was very interested to read about how it felt to have the reporters, Robyn Janes and Leoden, interview you. I thought you handled it very well and I was proud of you when I saw you on TV. I hope you have got over your shyness and are watching it over again on TV One On Demand!
I am also proud of the way you have proof read this post carefully before publishing it. Well done.
Mrs Burt