On Saturday it was an amazing day of my life. At my church
that I go to now we had an amazing anniversary it is
called a ball and it was an amazing day for me.
When I got there it was already decorated. It looked fabulous but there were only a few people there. After a while I went outside and I saw every one turning
up. I was looking at them until my friend turned up. His name is
up. I was looking at them until my friend turned up. His name is
Daniel with his dad (Ray) and his sister Toreka.
When I saw them I went to hang around with Daniel. because I am his friend.
After we were hanging around the PARTY started.
When the party started we had a QUEEN and KING comp
and a PRINCE and PRINCESS comp it was a cool comp
it was so cool and amazing but the PRINCE and the PRINCESS were
Daniels brother and a little girl. and the
KING and QUEEN was the queen of hearts lady
and the cowboy man.

The party started and A man said give it up for the kindergarten.
When he said that the Kindergarten started
to do there performance and they put on some music and they started to krump
and I said go Daniels brother and he was good at dancing.
After that it was the grade 1 turn there performance were even better
because they done team dance and it was so cool the
MISIC they had was the forever by chris brown.
After that it was grade 2s turn but there one
was so boring they only had to do a play and they only played about the story
called the fire fox wolf. it was a little bit and amazing
at least they done a good
grade 3 turn was up next and that was better
than grade 2s but it was so amazing and fabs but I liked the song the
best because it was so cool. after that
IT was GRADE 4S turn to perform and We done a
TEAM dance TO a song called the
THRILLER Remix. But first we done a play the meanest play ever (MY TEAM IS GRADE 4)
AFTER our performance we WON FIRST PRIZE
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