One day on a Saturday my family and I went down
to Rotorua to go to my grandpa's grave because it was his
birthday and he would have turned 79 year's old if he was still alive.www.best5star.com/assets/
we stopped to buy us a drink. When my mom went in to the shop's my sister and I saw a police man coming towards us to go to the
shop's too. As he walked past us he waved to a person on the other
side of the road and he said "World American police please come here"
and I saw their badge's. There were like 20 police men.
My mum came out and she had 5 bag's of chip's. When we went to sit down for a feed
I was like WOW!! AMERICAN POLICE. I said "MUM MUM, look police!" and then a police man stepped on the other police man's feet. The police man said "man you've got to watch out for my shoe's". Then he rubbed his shoe's on his pant's.
As we were going to see my grandpa's grave, I saw lot's of police men in a line walking and saying something. We then left 10 minute's later. There were 2 police car's and an ambulance because there was a big car crash.
When we came home we turned on the t.v. and Police 10 7 was on. We saw the car crash that we had seen in Rotorua. It showed us drive past.
Hi. My name is Pippa and I am coming to visit your school next Monday. I went to Matamata a couple of weeks ago but we just went to the museum and had lunch. It wasn't half as exciting as your visit!
At the museum I read about Tamihana the chief who was a peacemaker. I thought that was very interesting. Thanks for sharing your story.
Wow Jacob. I also was in Matamata a week ago and I missed all that excitement. Who would have thought Matamata couls be such a wild town. I still want to know what American World Police were even doing there?
You need to write a sequel to this story.
Oh, and did you get to meet Philippa when she came into your class today?
Mrs Burt
WOW Jacob!!!
That story is pretty cool police are really good because they look after the world from bad peole but keep it up BYE
From Shontal
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