Once upon a timemobipocket.irexnet.com/
book and 3 day's laterthe book was finished and
he was so bored when he finished the comic book and read another www.barnstable.k12.ma.us
comic book about LORD OF THE RINGS
and he loved that book and after about 2 DAYS He had FINISHED the BOOK
and he was so happy.when he got older he became a chicken police officer.
and when he Had a CHILD His CHILD went
into the libary and asked for 2 BOOK'S
and the libarian gave him 2 books to take home.
and after 2 hours the Chicken came back with no books in his hand
and asked for 2 morebook's in his hand and the libarian gave him 2 more
books and he got the 2 BOOK'S and he TOOK the BOOK
Home.After 2 HOURS
the chicken came back with no book's in his hand
and the libarian gave him 2 more book's before the chicken.
But when the chicken LEFTED The LIBARIAN followed the chicken
home and it took
them like 3 hours to get there.
When the chikcen open the door there were
thousands of books in the closet and in the room of the basement
so everyone get high grades and get reading all day all the time
and read and keep it cool til the end of the day
and when the chikcen left to go to the libary some bullies came and said
hey give me your money all else i will
give you a mash so people walk with an adult
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